Title: WinTone V1.51 Short Description: Real Time DTMF Decoder/Scanner monitor for Windows 95/NT Description: WinTone Takes input from any audio source (Scanner, HAM Radio, Stereo) and decodes DTMF tones from it using only your Windows compatible sound card. No hardware required. It also acts as a Scanner Monitor, Recording audio to a WAV file only when a specified squelch level is broken (Ideal for monitoring HAM repeaters, Police Frequencies, etc.) URL: http://www.frii.com/~rsmerker/wintn151.zip Status: This Program is Shareware Author: Authored by Richard Smerker of Steak Sandwich Software rsmerker@frii.com Requirements: Runs under Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or Above 486/66 Recommended but not required.